Artichoke Salad

Artichoke Salad
Artichokes- one per person
Fresh lemon (for juicing)
Three green onions per artichoke
Fresh dill – a couple of sprigs per artichoke
Olive oil

Mix a 1/4 cup of olive oil (per artichoke heart) with 2 to 3 tblsps of lemon juice in a large bowl
Add thinly sliced green onions
Chopped dill
Mix well and let sit for an hour or so

Clean the artichoke(s) to the heart
Thinlyslice the heart in pieces just a little larger than a shaving
Cover the small slices imedietly with a small amount of lemon juice to keep the slices from discoloring   The pieces should be no more than 1/2 to 3/4 inch long
Put the artichoke slices into the Olive oil/lemon juice mixture
Add a little salt to taste